OPPORTUNITY: Select one of the current virtual exhibitions at The High Museum to create a website and digital poster for. Create a video poster highlighting at least 3 of the pieces in the exhibition, including the title, year, and music in the background.
SOLUTION: The website highlights 3 of Abloh's pieces from the exhibition (Gradient Chairs, A Series of Events, and Manchester, Illinois) that had a strong industrial feel to them. This gave a common theme among the works that would allow the design to be cohesive and reflective of the work.
The video poster highlights 3 works of art from Virgil Abloh's exhibition at The High Museum titled Figures of Speech. It utilizes geometric shapes with sharp edges to reflect the industrial and strong feel associated with the works in this collection.
The first step in the design process was designing a style tile of colors, images, and type treatments to be used in the website and video poster. This served as a guideline when designing the website and video poster to create a cohesive experience.